
Richard Mille RM 07-01 Ladies' Pink Ceramic & White Gold

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Introducing the RM07-01 limited edition colored ceramic collection; Cécile Guenat. Director of Creation and Development at Richard Mille. explained that the the three colour variations - TZP pink ceramic with cerulean-lilac rubber strap. TZP lavender ceramic with coral-tangerine rubber strap. and TZP blue ceramic with olive-aqua rubber strap - were inspired by the Art Deco architecture that can be seen in Miami.

The RM 07-01 is the smallest timepiece of the Ladies' collection measuring 45.66mm x 31.40mm. TZP ceramic is light. hypoallergenic. durable and virtually scratch-proof. thanks to its zirconium oxide composition and sintering manufacture process.

Reference NumberRM 07-01
ModelRM 07-01
Case MaterialPink Ceramic & White Gold
Bracelet MaterialRubber
Case Diameter45.66 x 31.4mm
Box & PapersOriginal box. Original papers